Monday, May 30, 2011

Broken People

Broken relationships are different than relationships between broken people.  I think often how "messed up" I am when I interact with my husband, children, friends, family, etc.  I wonder how it is that anyone could love me when I find it so hard to even like me.  Now this is not a post for a pity party or for comments telling me how wonderful I am.  This is just being honest  I know the state of my heart and it is not pretty.  I need changing, I need a Savior and I need to be restored.  And as long as we are being honest, you do too.  Nothing brings this to light more than relationships.  I think of how I mother my children.  How dearly I love them.  I cook for them, bathe them, dress them, cuddle them, read to them, create with them.  I laugh with them, pray with them, play with them.  But then I also scream a them, get frustrated by them, want to be alone without them, and say things I don't mean.  I don't like that about myself.  Yet I am reminded that there is nothing that God can not redeem.  He can and has redeemed me.  He can redeem my children no matter how messed up I think I might make them.

So as I ramble on I am reminded that the best relationship that brings out the worst in me is my marriage.  At a friend's wedding that I attended recently this song was mentioned.  I listened to it and was struck with the thought that this is the best love song I have ever heard.  Seriously.  You listen and tell me if there is a better one out there.
"You bring out the worst in me.  It is a side I need to see."  These words hit home like none other.  I am daily reminded in my marriage of my heart and my need to confess and repent of my sins.  My friend, Kate and her husband have a marriage blog that I just love.  They posted about praying together in your marriage using the Lord's Prayer.  My prayer is that we all remember though we are broken we are forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Forgiveness isn't free-it cost Jesus everything.  Forgiveness is free-it cost me nothing.    

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