Monday, August 6, 2012

Close To My Heart Party (Day 6)

Good Monday morning friends :)  Check out the CSI Project blog this week for some great ideas (a giveaway from me) and a chance to link up your themed projects!  You will also find Scrapping Everyday Miracle's August challenge with a great prize up today.  Here is my layout for some inspiration.

I used the chipboard stars from CTMH and then after I punched them out I used the remaining part as a stencil to sponge the yellow star on the layout.  These photos were from our trip to Harvey Cedars and for sure the Lego Bin we took along was the "star" of the show.  All ages played for hours together - a great time was had by all :)  I still need to get my title and journal spot on this layout but that will come later.

Today's featured item here on Broken Treasures is the brand new How-To Book from Close To My Heart!  You are going to love this!!

Make It from the Heart (Vol.1) is a soft cover book publication featuring SIXTEEN 2-page layouts, two single page patterns and twelve different card patterns!  The best news?!  This sells for only $7.95!!  I really love it and can not wait to make the wall hangings shown above for each of my kids :)  Super cute right?
 Lisa Stenz was one of the artist who shared her pages and five of her layouts were chosen for publication in the book.  She said I could share them with you.  Here is one of them.  So sweet!  You'll find her post here with instructions on how she made it - I love the tone on tone flowers!!

So who wants one of these How To Books?  Tell me if you would use it for cards, wall hangings or scrapbook pages.  I'll pick a winner using on August 11th to receive a Make It From the Heart. 
Thanks for stopping by!  See you tomorrow over at Facebook for another game :) 

Great party going on this week - check out the details here 


Elizabeth Mindemann
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  1. I really, really want one of those new "How To" books please. I would use it primarily for layouts and an occasional card-making session.
    Jill K.
    Tulsa, OK

  2. Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What truly amazing creations! I'm left a little overwhelmed now and very inspired!

    A book like that I would use for all three! I am mostly a Scrapbooker and sometime Card Maker.. But lately I have been doing wall canvas's also for our hallway!

    Thanks for sharing this great "How To" book! Toni.. :)

  3. Love the idea book. I would try to use for all but would probably use it for page ideas and cards the most. I am not much of a decorator :)

    Debbie B.
