Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Mama's heart {layout}

I thought I would share my Mother's Day layout that I did.
We put this layout together in the May Making Memories Workshop along with two other layouts.
Lots of fun and I'm really happy with the way this one turned out :)

This is using the Stella paper - we did the Stella workshop on the go layouts and then used the left over papers to make this third layout.

Thanks for stopping by - still sitting on the sofa in "bed rest" waiting for an appointment today.  Looks like the results of the MRI show that I have fractures in the ankle and possibly other damage - I'll find out later today.  Thank you for the love you leave me in comment form and the prayers you are sending on my behalf - this broken Mama of three could really use them :)

Have a great day!!


Elizabeth Mindemann
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1 comment:

  1. Love the colors of the papers! Beautiful, and the pictures... So sorry to hear about your ankle. I broke mine several years ago. Hope it isn't too bad! Thoughts and prayers going out to you! Pam
