Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love Song Blog Hop & Giveaway

WINNER POSTED - see bottom of this post - are you the winner? 

Welcome to &'s Love Song Blog Hop! Love is in the air and our Designers have come up with some great Valentine's Day projects inspired by their favorite love songs.
If you arrived here from visiting Holly at Ribbons & Glue you're in the right place. If you're joining us mid-hop and would like to start at the beginning click here to go to Paper Crafting World’s Cooking With Cricut blog and check out what Melin has made!
I love "love songs" :)  I really do.  Music has a way of speaking to my heart like nothing else can!  I hope you'll allow me a little bit of some history before I tell you the song I chose.  I love country music so there are a ton of love songs there that I was thinking about.  Then there is the song that my husband and I danced to at our wedding - Trust In the Lord by Sixpence Non The Richer.  However, I kept going back to this one song because every since I was a little girl I have struggled with believing I am beautiful.  I have learned over lots of time that who God says I am is what matters the most!  Therefore, I was inspired by 
True Things by J J Heller 

and this is what I created . . .
A Love Jar (filled with all the things that God says about me in Scripture)
The idea is that I will continue to add to this jar as I read more about the "true things" that God says about me.  For now the jar is filled with hearts cut out with the Art Philosophy Cartridge.  Each one has a different verse written on it.  For example . . .   
"You are written on the palms of my hands" Isaiah 49:16 
"I rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:17

 The "I love you" was cut out using the Doodletype Cartridge.
I also used:
Paper Butterflies
Elemental and Roxie Paper
Cranberry Cardstock
We hope you’ll join us and link up your favorite love song inspired project at One lucky entry will be chosen by to win a $10.00 gift certificate provided by! And make sure you leave a comment, too! One lucky commenter will also receive a $10.00 gift certificate!

Did you notice the marbled heart in the photo?  Those were the hearts my kids made for our contribution to The Heart Project along with 69 other blogs!  Jamie over at Hands On As We Grow put together a beautiful e-book off over 100 kid inspired and heart inspired projects to raise funds for the American Heart Association (It is American Heart Month after all).  Jamie's story about Ellie was a real inspiration to me.  My kids were so excited (and I was too) when our project was chosen to be in this book :)  I'm offering a giveaway starting today in connection with the Heart Project and our Love Song Blog Hop!  

I really didn't think anyone would want marble painted hearts so instead I'm giving away a heart themed package of products from Close To My Heart :)
Heartfelt Treasures Stamp Set (stamp set only)

Dimensional Hearts
TO ENTER: You may want to Donate to the American Heart Association.
Our goal is to Donate at least a total of $2000 to the AHA.

You are not required to donate in order to enter the give away!
THERE IS NO LIMIT TO How many give-aways you may enter…If you have already liked all of our social media in previous entries…then please just follow the other items required to ENTER. Thanks!

TO JUST ENTER today’s Give Away (leave your email with each comment to be contacted in case you win!):
  • Comment on today’s Post about what you love about the AHA (tell us about someone you know that benefits from it, or just that they're doing great and to keep up the work!)
Comment that you did these for extra entries:
  • Check out the AHA and (if the spirit moves you) donate!
  • Did you buy the Heart Project e-book? Comment to let us know you did!
  • Share this Link On Facebook (and comment below)
  • Share this link on Twitter (and comment below)
  • Link up a project inspired by your favorite love song over at Cooking With Cricut (and comment below that you did)
 **You will have 1 week to enter Each Giveaway!
I will post the winner here on this post next Saturday so be sure to come back 
and check to see if you won!
Donations for the e-book are still open - as well as purchasing the printed version & Donations without purchase are always welcome!
Add to Cart

US $20.00
Order the Printed Version

Or if you feel lead just donate any amount (no amount is too small - even $1 goes along way) to the AHA  
Thanks so much for hopping with us today. Now head on over and visit Celeste at Touched By A Butterfly and see what she has created!


Comment #35 Jadavis "I have worked fundraising with the American Heart Association before. They are great to work with!"

I am sending you an e-mail but please contact me at alwaysdeeper (at) hotmail (dot) com with your mailing address so I can get your stamp set and hearts to you!

Thank you all for playing along :)  I hope you'll come back here often.  Next month I have another great project in the works "Spontaneous Smilys" to benefit Operation Smile.  

Opperation Smile Fundraiser going on now
for more information check out my post here

Elizabeth Mindemann
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  1. Great project, Elizabeth! And what a great way to remind yourself that God loves you, no matter how you feel about yourself.

    ~ Jen

  2. This is SO beautiful Elizabeth! I LOVE the idea of being reminded of why God Loves us and that we are important to Him. What a wonderful gift idea for young people too! I might just have to "borrow" this idea, if you don't mind! It is beautiful!


  3. Beautiful project Elizabeth. I love the concept! It is so important to be reminded what a value God has placed on each of us! I love the Truth His Word always brings! Thank you for the great inspiration! Congrats on the kids' marble hearts being in such a great fundraiser!


  4. Oh how beautiful!! This is jsut such a great way to remember God's love

  5. I love this project, Elizabeth! Such a beautiful way to inspire positive thoughts and love, thanks for sharing it!
    Heather P

  6. I think the AHA are doing a great job and that their efforts benefit tons of people :)

  7. Tweeted it here:!/artsy_momma/status/168357786512654336

  8. Elizabeth, gorgeous project! Love it! Smiles, Jill

  9. What a beautiul project so filled with love. TFS!

  10. Love this! What a way to show your own gratitude to God and when your down to pull one of these out a read it for an uplifting of your own spirit. The American Heart Association started out in my life young cause my mother had heart disease so whne she passed on anything given to us was given to them, thanks so much for doing this for them.
    tinasewsandembroiders at verizon dot net

  11. This is beautiful! I love the project! I too struggle with not believing that I am beautiful but I know that I should listen to God. I love that you chose to use verses and make a jar for God's word because what better love story is God's word? Thank you for sharing!

  12. What a wonderful idea:) I want to do this!! I think I will:) Thanks for the inspiration. You ROCKED this hop. Your jar is fabulous!!!

  13. This is a Beautiful project. Love the idea behind it. Smooches... Sous Chef Feli'

  14. Beautiful project from someone that is truly beautiful from the inside out.


  15. What a beautiful idea - I love it. And thank you for sharing about the marbled heart - so much passion and compassion.

  16. Beautiful idea Elizabeth!! Your project turned out great!

  17. Your love jar is a great idea. But, I think it should be a million times bigger to hold all the good things God is saying about you.
    Rae Ann O.

  18. A beautiful project and clearly you have a beautiful heart to do such wonderful work.
    Panda Hugs!

  19. Beautiful Elizabeth. Thanks so much for sharing a special part of your heart with us in this project. You are amazing. :)

  20. Love your jar and the idea of putting verses in it. Great project.

  21. This is really beautiful! I love the jar, and the marble heart is beautiful too!
    I am now following your blog
    scrappersranch @ aol dot com

  22. Wonderful idea and project. I have a feeling your jar overrunneth with love and scriptures about you. My husband, father, father-in-law and brother-in-law have all had bypass surgeries. My mother, brother, grandfather and mother-in-law have died of heart attacks, so with all of this family history - we keep well aware of and support the AHA.
    I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to seeing other projects you have made.

  23. Beautiful way on how you decorate the jar.Im a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

    creativediva98 at gmail dot com

  24. What a beautifully inspiring & spiritual idea.
    Loving Scrapper101

  25. Wow, what an amazing idea/project! Thanks for sharing this.

    Debbie B.

  26. We participate in a AHA Bike Run yearly in memory of my brother in law that died of heart disease.

    tderosa142 at gmail dot com

  27. Good for you for supporting such a worthwhile cause!
    swak50 at hotmail dot com

  28. I shared on FB (Journeysof TheZoo).!/permalink.php?story_fbid=195079257265948&id=100003273512050

    swak50 at hotmail dot com

  29. thank you and keep up the great work!

  30. I like that the AHA reminds us to take care of our heart health.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  31. Great idea and a beautiful way to bring much needed attention to the AHA. Thank you. My family has greatly been affected by heart issues for years, on both sides ~ maternal and paternal. Sadly I lost my father when he was just 59. I am very appreciative of all the AHA does to work towards a cure and for awareness. I am also appreciative of people like you. <3

  32. Such beautiful giveaway! Thank you so much!

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

  33. I have worked fundraising with the American Heart Association before. They are great to work with!

  34. Checked out the AHA

  35. Shared on fb

  36. tweeted!/JessicaADavis/status/171056524347707392
