Monday, September 5, 2011

Make It Monday

Good Monday morning!
Don't forget about my giveaway this week. :)

Last week for Heart 2 Heart challenge I made a bookmark.  The kids and I did some more together for their own book lists.  Simple to do.  You just need a 3" x 12" strip of cardstock (fold in half length wise), markers, stickers and magnetic tape.

One the inside of the book mark we put a Book List so that we can record all the books that the boys read (or are read to them) and keep a log.  "Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader!"

Happy Monday!


  1. a cute and creative craft for kids!!!

  2. Cute for kids, but I can see it in a recipe book with your favorite recipe titles and page numbers written on the inside for quick reference. Thanks for sharing!
