Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Camping Birthday Party

My oldest son is now five!  For his birthday we did a Camping theme.  I searched the internet looking for ideas and found Kara's blog, which I now follow and am completely in love with!  I almost am tempted to have more kids just to plan parties I find on her blog ;) j/k!

Because we did some really neat (and detailed things) and this post would be way to long to include it all, I decided to break down the post into three sections.  This post will be an overview, then I'll post about the different things we made for decorating and smores bar and finally a post with the games, activities and photo booth.

I wanted to share with you an overview of all the different things we did at the birthday party.  It was the very first party we invited friends to and since it was a sleep over (they camped in the backyard) no girls were invited this time.

So I set up the yard with a photo booth

A smores bar

Our fire pit & tents (shown in the first photo of this post)

The boys took a nature walk and then put their findings in a bandanna and made a hobo stick

My husband taught them how to make a slingshot and then they shot mini marhmallows into the field next door

I did not do a cake for the party with his friends so we put a candle in his pancake at breakfast

The boys eating their pancake breakfast while we had a short rain shower outside

After everyone left from the birthday party we had family over for lunch and I made my son this cake for his family party.

I love to plan parties - themes are super fun for me and I really enjoyed putting this one together.  I am becoming a huge fan of pinterest to keep all my party planning ideas in one place.  Have a great week and don't forget about my giveaway this month, find the details here.

Linking up with
  Tatertots and Jello Blog


  1. It looks like a great party! I was sure that the smores bar was going to be my favorite thing, until I saw the poptart tent. Cracked me up. You made some great memories.

  2. OK I may have to borrow this idea for Cohen....although I guess November is too late to camp out.

  3. such a creative idea! Don't think I would have thought of an idea like that!!

  4. Where did you get the large rubber bands for the sling shots?
