Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stamp of the Month Blog Hop

Welcome to our Close to my Heart CTMH) Stamp of the Month (SOTM) Blog Hop.  If you have arrived from Nikka's blog you are at the right place!  If you get lost along this hop you can start at the beginning or find the list at Kathleen's blog.

For the story behind my project you can view yesterday's post.  For those of you who do not know, CTMH just changed their SOTM program.  You can now purchase this awesome stamp set two ways:

  1. Straight purchase for $17.95
  2. Make a $50 purchase and get the set for only $5

      I combined this stamp set with the Dreamin Paper Pack, and the Art Philosophy Cartridge for the Cricut.

I made a "Memory Box" using the My Creation Memory Game Box - to remember the blessings to our family from our Loving God.

The front of our Memory box using one of the new Harvest Charms (love these!)

Sorry the photo is a little blurry - this is the top of the box.
It says, "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles!"
Psalm 77:11-14
Again the camera was giving me issues so the inside of the box is blurred
but you can see how the cards fit inside the box
Using the Stamp of the month I made each card to go inside the box.
The Memory Game comes with 24 cards!
I stamped the lines, "what", "Date", and "Remember" all using this months stamp set!
On these cards we will write how God has shown himself to us . . .
we will REMEMBER!

I hope you enjoyed see this box as much as I enjoyed making it!  Had a lot of fun and am looking forward to using it with my children.

Now hop on over to Karen's blog to see what she made using this Limited Edition stamp set!
Thanks for looking - as always your comments are read and very much appreciated!


  1. Beautiful box and what a great project!

  2. Beautiful idea for the Memory Box. It's lovely!

  3. what a neat idea!!! It's really pretty too!!

  4. Your box is beautiful, and its use is priceless! What a wonderful way to remember the many blessings in your life!

  5. Beautiful memory the colors!

  6. I just love the concept of this pretty memory box. Love what you did with it!

  7. Thank you for sharing the story behind the box. It's a meaningful project that will surely be treasured. Ah...instead of a Memory Box, it's a Treasure Box!
